Opening hours today for SAQ

11:00 - 22:00

Opens at 11:00 today
  • Monday: -
  • Tuesday: -
  • Wednesday: -
  • Thursday: -
  • Friday: -
  • Saturday: -
  • Sunday (today): -


🕗 SAQ hours in Montreal, H2J1X2

H2J1X2 940, avenue du Mont-Royal Est Montreal, ca
Phone number : 514 523-6117, Fax : 514 523-6646
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Open until 10 p.m. every night

The Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) is a government corporation whose mandate is to sell alcoholic beverages and whose mission is to provide superior service to the Quebec public by offering a broad range of quality products.

The SAQ provides a major income stream to the Quebec and federal governments in the form of taxes and duties. It also makes a dividend payment to the Quebec government. Its sole shareholder is the Quebec Finance Department.


Nearest SAQ stores, Mont-Royal Est/Mentana 23210 SAQ Express

Metro Beaulieu Laurier, Montreal

1293 Rue Laurier Est, 751.2 m

Opens at 08:00 today

Dollarama Montreal, Montreal

1665 est avenue Mont-Royal, 722.5 m

Opens at 10:00 today

Avenue Laurier Est 23241 SAQ Express, Montreal

1325, avenue Laurier Est, 769.1 m

Opens at 11:00 today

Mont-Royal Est/Papineau 23101 SAQ Sélection, Montreal

1690, avenue du Mont-Royal Est, 752.4 m

Opens at 10:00 today

St-Denis/Duluth 23019 SAQ, Montreal

4008, rue St-Denis, 796.2 m

Opens at 11:00 today

Couche Tard Montreal, Montreal

1050 AV. DU MONT-ROYAL E, 130.2 m

Open now, until 23:59